Holistically restore core vitality and wellbeing

Is this for me?

Holistic Pelvic Care™ is a combination of tools developed by Tami Lynn Kent that work physically and energetically to restore balance to a woman's pelvic space.

This treatment is for you if:

  • you need help to realign the fascia in your pelvis following childbirth

  • you are experiencing urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse or pain during sex

  • you are experiencing any pelvic instability

  • you wish to prepare your pelvis for childbirth

What should I expect?

Holistic Pelvic Care™ treatments consist of a longer, more in-depth consultation to begin with, followed by shorter treatment sessions.

You will receive:

  • an introduction to pelvic anatomy

  • a full assessment of your pelvic muscles

  • a treatment including intervaginal massage with myofascial release and trigger point work

  • breathwork and visualisation tools to assist physical and energetic balance

How do we get started?

It is best to have a consultation prior to discovering whether Holistic Pelvic Care™ is right for you.

This consultation will be by phone or by Zoom.

If we would like to go ahead we will book in a 1-2-1 treatment.

What's it like to work with Suzanne?

holistic pelvic care represented by a unopened lotus flower in water

What effects can Holistic Pelvic Care™ have?

After a few treatments, many women report feeling more relaxed and centred, with a new internal awareness of their core and greater strength in their pelvic muscles. On a physical level, these treatments can help to relieve congestion and allow more circulation of both blood and energy to the pelvic space and relieve the symptoms of pelvic problems. 

Energetically, our womb area and pelvic space is our place of creativity, and patterns of congestion in our pelvis can interfere with our ability to feel flexible and energetic, and to bring our ideas into fruition. Women often disconnect from their pelvis for many reasons - this treatment helps women to gently and respectfully connect back to their pelvic space and allow their awareness in.


Physical and energetic alignment

Restore balance to your pelvic space following childbirth or injury - realigning the bones, adjusting the fascia and stretching the muscles. Allow your energy to balance itself and flow freely for a feeling of wellbeing, relaxation and support.


Relating to your core

Breathwork tools, guidance and support to discover your connection with your pelvic space. Much happens in this part of our body, from menstruation to sex to childbirth, and disconnection is common for many reasons. Find yourself again.


Light your creativity

Our wombs are our energetic creative centres. We don't just use them to bring children to the world - we use them to bring everything to the world. We are women - we create. Align and clear your pelvic core to allow creativity to flow.

Still have questions about Holistic Pelvic Care™?

  • It depends on each woman's individual situation, but often 2-4 treatments is enough.

  • The initial consultation costs £80 and each session following costs £60. 2-4 sessions is the usual treatment length.

  • The first consultation and treatment will last approximately one hour and a half, as we will go through a detailed history and discussion prior to a treatment.

    Subsequent treatments will last approximately one hour.

  • Pelvic massage is gentle and respectful and should never hurt. Often women hold tension in their root and the massage helps this tension to relax. The massage is guided by the woman and her body and is always respectful.

  • Holistic Pelvic Care™ helps you to deeply connect with your root and with your feminine vitality. It is important in helping you feel connected to your creativity, feel centred and grounded, feel more aware of your body and more alive.

    Women often have Holistic Pelvic Care™ treatments as part of their wellness with an annual tune up or in preparation for pregnancy or birth.

Start your journey to vitality and wellness