Terms & Conditions

1. Refunds for class block purchases are only available in exceptional circumstances. These include a new medical condition or bereavement. Refunds can only be given for the time period after we have been informed about the situation and not retrospectively.

2. Bookings for Workshops and Special Events are not transferable and refunds are not available unless a replacement can be found to use your place. This includes instances where a participant has Covid. We are a small business and have substantial running costs. We hope you understand.

3. Individual class dates booked with unique coupon codes can be changed up to one week prior to the date of that class. You will not be able to change a booking if it is less than one week prior to the class. We are a small business and incur costs for venue hire. We hope you understand.

4. MotherHeal reserves the right to cancel classes or workshops if there are insufficient numbers booked for it or in unforeseen circumstances. You will be offered credits for regular classes and a full refund for workshops and special events.

5. Unique coupon codes for class bookings are only to be used by the client purchasing them.